Scouting in Crawley is Growing

We are pleased to announce that 2nd Ifield Scout Group have now started their second Beaver Colony. This week saw eleven new beavers were invested into their Sycamore Colony. The two Beaver colonies at 2nd Ifield (Sycamore and Chestnut) will work closely together running the same programme with the leadership …

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Explorer Scouts Honoured

Explorer Scouts from Crawley joined Explorers from the across West Sussex at the presentation event in honour of their achievements. They were joined by Sir Brian Barttelet, West Sussex Scout President, Bob Burgess, former Mayor of Crawley and now a member of West Sussex Scout Executive and Ian Newbery, Regional …

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Ifield Scout Headquarters opened with a bang

The new scout headquarters in Ifield was packed with 200 members, families and members of the community for the formal opening of the Scout headquarters on Saturday (28th February.) The action was set going by Brenda Smith, the Mayor of Crawley and the ceremony of opening the building was carried …

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Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.